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Penny's poetry pages Wiki
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A Book of Women's Verse was an early 20th-century anthology of poetry by female poets.


The anthology was edited by J.C. Squire, and published in 1921 by Clarendon Press.[1]

Poets represented[]

Anne Askew  • Queen Elizabeth  • Lady Elizabeth Carew  • Mary Oxlie of Morpet  • Lady Mary Wroth  • Anne Bradstreet  • Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle  • Ann Collins  • Katherine Phillips (Orinda)  • Anne, Marchioness of Wharton  • Aphra Behn  • Ephelia  • Mary Mollineux  • Anne Killigrew  • Mrs. Taylor  •

Mary, Lady Chudleigh  • Anne, Countess of Winchilsea  • Lady Grissell Baillie  • Hon. Mary Monk  • Elizabeth (Singer) Rowe  • Catharine Cockburn  • Lady Mary Wortley Montagu  • Fanny Greville  • Laetitia Pilkington  • Alison Cockburn  • Mary Masters  • Judith Madan  • Elizabeth Carter  • Mary Leapor  • Mary Jones  • Jane Elliot  • Jenny Grahame  • Isabel Pagan  • Anne Hunter  • Anna Laetitia Barbauld  • Frances Brooke  • Susanna Blamire  • Charlotte Smith  • Lady Anne (Lindsay) Barnard  • Henrietta, Lady O'Neill  • Joanna Baillie  • Catherine M. Fanshawe  • Mary Lamb  • Carolina, Lady Nairne  • Helen Maria Williams  • Anne M'Vicar Grant of Lagan  • Amelia Opie  •

Caroline Southey  • Emma Hart Willard  • Felicia Dorothea Hemans  • Sara Coleridge  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning  • Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin  • Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton  • Charlotte Brontë  • Emily Brontë  • Julia Ward Howe  • Anne Brontë  • Phoebe Cary  • Christina Rossetti  • Jean Ingelow  • Lady Currie (Violet Fane)  • Hon. Emily Lawless  • Fanny Parnell  • Mary Elizabeth Coleridge  • Amy Levy  • Dora Sigerson Shorter  • Alice Meynell  • Margaret L. Woods  • Rose Terry Cooke  • Violet Jacob  • Anna Bunston de Bary  • Moira O'Neill  • Frances Cornford  • Eva Gore-Booth  • Katharine Tynan Hinkson  • Rose Macaulay  • Sylvia Lynd

See also[]


  1. Bibliographic Record, A Book of Women’s Verse (edited by J C. Squire). Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1921., Web, Mar. 14, 2017.

External links[]

Original Penny's Poetry Pages article, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0.