Penny's poetry pages Wiki

by George J. Dance


IKhasiprasad Ghose (1809-1873). Courtesy Representative Poetry Online.

Khasiprasad Ghose (also Khasi Prasad Ghosh) (1809-1873) was an English-language Indian poet.[1]


Ghose graduated in 1828 from Hindu College, Calcutta. He worked as editor of a weekly newspaper, the Hindu Intelligence.[1]


  • The Shair and other poems. Durrumtollah (Calcutta): Scott, 1839.[1]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Notes on Life and Works," Selected Poetry of Kasiprasad Ghose (1809-1873), Representative Poetry Online, University of Toronto,, Web, Nov. 23, 2011.

External links[]

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