Penny's poetry pages Wiki

The Other Voices International Project is an online anthology of poetry.


The Other Voices International Project is a cyber-anthology that erases the boundaries of nations, ethnicities, religions, cultures, and age to bring you some of the world's best poetry. No poetry or art is used in the project unless permission has been granted by the artist or his/her estate. Participation in Other Voices is by invitation only.[1]

Poets whose work has appeared in Other Voices include George Mackay Brown, Billy Collins, George J. Dance, Desi Di Nardo, Linh Dinh, Denise Duhamel, kari edwardsAnnie Finch, Nathalie HandalJoy Harjo, Kevin HigginsJanis IanVachel Lindsay, George McWhirter, Naomi Shihab NyeAram Saroyan, Roger SedaratR.K. Singh, Todd Swift, and Lisa Zaran.


Other Voices is listed in the journal section of the World Poetry Directory of UNESCO.[1]

See also[]


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Original Penny's Poetry Pages article, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0.