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Ram Krishna Singh is an Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology.


Professor (Dr.) Ram Krishna Singh. Courtesy Dr. Singh


Youth and education[]

Singh was born on 31 December 1950 in Varanasi, India.

After earning a B.A in 1970, he gained his M.A. in English Literature from Banaras Hindu University in 1972, and his Ph.D. from Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, in 1981. He also obtained a Diploma in Russian in 1972.


Dr. Singh started his career in journalism, as a Compilation Officer in the District Gazetteers Department, Lucknow, 1973, and a Journalist with the Press Trust of India, New Delhi, 1973-74. Changing to teaching he became a Lecturer at the Royal Bhutan Polytechnic, Deothang, Bhutan, 1974-76. Joining the Indian School of Mines in Dhanbad as a Lecturer from 1976-83, he then rose to Assistant Professor in 1983. Professor of English and Head of the Institute’s Department of Humanities and Social Sciences from 1993 to 2012, and Professor (Higher Academic Grade) from 2012 to Dec 31, 2015, he is now happily retired and pursuing his personal interests.


Prof. Singh composing

A reviewer, critic, and contemporary poet who writes in Indian English, Dr. Singh is the author of about 60 books, more than 170 research articles and 175 book reviews. His works have been anthologized in about 200 publications, while his editorial activities extend to include guest-editing of Language Forum, 1986, 1995, and Creative Forum, 1991, 1997, 1998, besides being co-editor of the latter publication from 1987-90, General Editor of Creative Forum New Poets Series, and service on the editorial boards of Canopy, Indian Book Chronicle, Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Reflections, International Journal of Translation, Poetcrit, Impressions of Eternity (ie), SlugFest, and International Journal of Advanced Multidiciplinary Scientific Research. He has evaluated about 50 PhD theses from various universities. He has also edited the ISM Newsletter for about five years.


Dr. Singh's poems have been translated into French, Spanish, Romanian, Chinese, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Bosnian, Hungarian, Albanian, Irish, Japanese, Bulgarian, Russian, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Crimean Tatar, Arabic, Farsi, Dzonkha, Nepali, Esperanto, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, and Bangla.

About 80 full-length articles on his poetry have been published from 1988 through2011. New Indian English Poetry: An Alternative Voice: R.K.Singh (ed: I.K. Sharma, 2004) and R.K.Singh’s Mind and Art: A Symphony of Expressions (ed: Rajni Singh, 2011) are two comprehensive critical presentations of his creativity since the 1970s. Other studies include Current Indian Creativity in English (R.S. Tiwary, 2003), Critical Perspectives on the Poetry of R.K. Singh, D.C. Chambial and I.K. Sharma (ed: K.. Dominic, 2011), Indian English Poetry: Searching New Ground (S.L.Peeran, 2013), Anger in Contemporary Indian English Poetry (Vijay Vishal, 2014), Sensitivity and Cultural Multiplicity in Recent Indian English Poetry (V V B Ramarao, 2015), Towards Indian Consciousness: A Study of An Age: Ten Poetic Minds in Indian English Poetry (P C K Prem, 2016), and History of Contemporary Indian English Poetry: An Appraisal, Vol.I (PCK Prem, 2019).  His works have been explored in several M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses of various universities.


File:Prof. ram krishna singh india.pdf In recognition of his achievements Professor Singh has received several awards and honours, among them:

  • an Honorary Litt.D. from the World Academy of Arts and Culture, Taiwan, 1984;
  • Fellowship of the International Poets Academy, Madras, 1987;
  • Fellowship of the International Writers and Artists Association, U.S.A.1988;
  • the Michael Madhusudan Award, Calcutta, 1994;
  • Poet of the Year Award for 1995 from the Canadian Alumni of the World University, Ontario, 1996;
  • Ritsumeikan University Peace Museum Award, Kyoto, 1999;
  • Certificate of Honour and Nyuusen Prize in Kumamoto International Kusamamoto Haiku Competition, Japan, 2000 and 2008;
  • Diploma of Author of the Year Award, Trento, Italy, 2002;
  • Ambassador-India, Poets of the World, Chile, 2008;
  • Life time Achievement Award, Chennai, 2009;
  • Distinguished Membership of The International Association of Poets, Writers and Artists (IAPWA), Albania, 2012;
  • Prize of Corea Literature, Korea, 2013;
  • Special Award Diogen, 2013;
  • Nazar Look Prize for Poetry, Romania, 2013;
  • Nominated for Pushcart Prize,2013, 2014;
  • Winner of Naji Naaman's Literary Prize for 2015;
  • Lifetime Honorary Member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture, Lebanon, 2015
  • Aichi Prefecture Board of Education Award, Japan, 2015
  • Extraordinary Ambassador of Gratis Culture, FGC, Lebanon, 2016
  • 74th Independence Day Certificate of Appreciation, Gujarat Sahitya Academy/Motivational Strip, 15 August, 2020.
  • Citation of Brightest Honour, International Sufi Centre: Sufi World, Bangalore, September 2020

Professor Singh’s biography appears in over 35 publications in the United Kingdom, United States, India and elsewhere.


Sense and silence cover

Singh has published about 60 books, including : Savitri : A Spiritual Epic (Criticism, 1984); My Silence (poems, 1985); Sound and Silence (edited articles on Krishna Srinivas, 1986); Indian English Writing, 1981-1985: Experiments with Expression (ed., 1987, rept. 1991); Using English in Science and Technology (textbook, 1988, rev. and rept, 2000); Recent Indian English Poets : Expressions and Beliefs (ed. 1992); Two Poets: R.K. Singh (I DO NOT QUESTION) Ujjal Singh Bahri (THE GRAMMAR OF MY LIFE) (poems, 1994); General English Practice (textbook, 1995 Anger in Action : Explorations of anger in Indian writing in English (ed.,1997); My Silence, and other selected poems, (poems, 1996); Above the Earth’s Green (poems, 1997); Psychic Knot : Search for Tolerance in Indian English Fiction (ed., 1998); New Zealand Literature : Some Recent Trends (ed.,1998); Every Stone Drop Pebble (haiku, 1999); Multiple-Choice General English for UPSC Competitive Exams (textbook, 2001); Cover to Cover (poems, 2002). Pacem in Terris ( haiku, English and Italian, 2003), Communication : Grammar and Composition ( textbook, 2003), Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri : Essays on Love, Life and Death ( Critical articles, 2005), Teaching English for Specific Purposes : An Evolving Experience ( Research articles and review essays, 2005), Voices of the Present: Critical Essays on Some Indian English Poets (2006), The River Returns (tanka and haiku collection, 2006), English as a Second Language: Experience into Essays (ed. research articles, 2007), English Language Teaching: Some Aspects Recollected (ed. research articles, 2008), Sexless Solitude and Other Poems (2009), Mechanics of Research Writing (2010), Sense and Silence: Collected poems (2010),  New and Selected Poems Tanka and Haiku (2012), I Am No Jesus, and other selected poems: Tanka and haiku (English/Crimean Tatar, 2014), You Can't Scent Me and Other Selected Poems (2016), Writing Editing Publishing:A Memoir (2016), God Too Awaits Light (2017), Growing Within/Desăvârşire lăuntrică  (English/Romanian, 2017), Reflections: R.K.Singh's Poetry and Self (2018), There's No Paradise and Other Selected Poems Tanka & Haiku (2019), Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, Traductor Joseph Berolo Ramos, 2019), Silencio: Blanca Desconfianza: Silence: White Distrust (Spanish Edition, Spanish/English, Kindle, 2021), A Lone Sparrow:Haiku Poems (e-book, English/Arabic, Tr. Boubaker Rouagha, ed. Mahmoud Al-Rajabi, 2021), Against The Waves: Selected Poems (2021), Covid-19 And Surge of Silence/Kovid-19 Hem Sessízlík Tolkȋnȋ (English/Tatar, ed. and trans. Taner Murat, 2021), 白濁 : SILENCE: A WHITE DISTRUST (English/Japanese, tr. Rika Inami, Kindle Edition, 2021), Changing Seasons: Collected Tanka and Haiku (e-book, English/Arabic, ed. Mahmoud Al-Rajabi, 2021), Lantern In The Sky: Selected Haiku (e-book, English/French, tr. Agouray Fatima, 2022), SHE: Haiku Celebrating Woman Thet Makes Man Complete (e-book, ed. Mahmoud Al-Rajabi, Arabic Haiku Club, 2022), Drifty Silence (e-book, ed. Mahmoud Al-Rajabi, 2023), Poems and Micropoems (Arizona: Southern Arizona Press, 2023), and Knocking Vistas And Other Poems (New Delhi: Authors Press, 2024).

Poems by R.K. Singh[]

Prose by R.K. Singh[]

See also[]

External links[]

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