The Best American Poetry 1994, a volume in The Best American Poetry series, was edited by David Lehman and by guest editor A.R. Ammons.
Poets and poems included[]
Poet | Poem | Where poem previously appeared |
Dick Allen | "A Short History of the Vietnam War Years" | The Gettysburg Review |
Tom Andrews | "Cinema Vérité" | Field |
John Ashbery | "Myrtle" | The New Yorker |
Burlin Barr | "Tremendous Mood Swings" | Grand Street |
Cynthia Bond | "What You Want Means What You Can Afford" |
Ascent |
Catherine Bowman | "Demographics" | TriQuarterly |
George Bradley | "The Fire Fetched Down" | The Paris Review |
Charles Bukowski | "me against the world" | Urbanus |
Rebecca Byrkit | "The Only Dance There Is" | New England Review |
Amy Clampitt | "A Catalpa Tree on West Twelfth Street" | The New York Times |
Michelle T. Clinton | "Tantrum Girl Responds to Death" | The Kenyon Review |
James Air (GCA) | "Sestina" | The Paris Review |
Ramola Dharmaraj | "full of rain, the word" | Green Mountains Review |
Thomas M. Disch | "The Cardinal Detoxes: A Play in One Act" | The Hudson Review |
Mark Doty | "Difference" | Boulevard |
Denise Duhamel | "Bulimia" | Poet Lore |
Tony Esolen | "Northwestern Mathematics" | Fine Madness |
Richard Fischer | "Life Drawing" | Poetry |
Alice Fulton | "The Priming Is a Negligee" | Southwest Review |
Allison Funk | "After Dark" | Poetry |
Jorie Graham | "In the Hotel" | The New Yorker |
Debora Greger | "The Frog in the Swimming Pool" | The New Republic |
Donald Hall | "Another Elegy" | Iowa Review |
Forrest Hamer | "Getting Happy" | ZYZZYVA |
Lyn Hejinian | "The Polar Circle" | Grand Street |
Roald Hoffmann | "Deceptively Like a Solid" | Glass Technology |
John Hollander | "Variations on a Fragment by Trumball Stickney" |
The Paris Review |
Janet Holmes | "The Love of the Flesh" | Tar River Poetry |
Paul Hoover | "Baseball" | Another Chicago Magazine |
Richard Howard | "A Lost Art" | Poetry |
Phyllis Janowitz | "The Necessary Angel" | River Styx |
Mark Jarman | "Unholy Sonnets" | The New Criterion |
Alice Jones | "The Foot" | ZYZZYVA |
Rodney Jones | "Contempt" | Michigan Quarterly Review |
Brigit Pegeen Kelly | "Courting the Famous Figures at the Grotto of Improbable Thought" |
Northwest Review |
Caroline Knox | "A Rune" | Fine Madness |
Kenneth Koch | "One Train May Hide Another" | The New York Review of Books |
Dionisio D. Martínez | "Avant-Dernieres Pensees" | Seneca Review |
J.D. McClatchy | "Found Parable" | The New Yorker |
Jeffrey McDaniel | "Following Her to Sleep" | Ploughshares |
James McManus | "Spike Logic" | Salmagundi |
James Merrill | "Family Week at Oracle Ranch" | The New Yorker |
W.S. Merwin | "One of the Lives" | The New York Review of Books |
Stephen Paul Miller | "I Was on a Golf Course the Day John Cage Died of a Stroke" |
Poetry New York |
Jenny Mueller | "Allegory" | Colorado Review |
Harryette Mullen | "From Muse & Drudge" | AGNI |
Brighde Mullins | "At the Lakehouse" | Colorado Review |
Fred Muratori | "Sensible Qualities" | No Roses Review |
Sharon Olds | "The Knowing" | American Poetry Review |
Maureen Owen | "Them" | Poetry New York |
Kathleen Peirce | "Divided Touch, Divided Color" | Colorado Review |
Carl Phillips | "A Mathematics of Breathing" | AGNI |
Lloyd Schwartz | "Pornography" | The Paris Review |
Frederick Seidel | "Pol Pot" | American Poetry Review |
Alan Shapiro | "The Letter" | The Threepenny Review |
Angela Shaw | "Courtesan" | Chelsea |
Charles Simic | "Read Your Fate" | The New Yorker |
W.D. Snodgrass | "Snow Songs" | The Kenyon Review |
Elizabeth Spires | "The Robed Heart" | Iowa Review |
A.E. Stallings | "Apollo Takes Charge of His Muses" | Beloit Poetry Journal |
Mark Strand | "The Mysterious Maps" | The New Yorker |
Sharan Strange | "Offering" | Callaloo |
May Swenson | "Sleeping with Boa" | The Yale Review |
Janet Sylvester | "Modern Times" | Boulevard |
James Tate | "Like a Scarf" | Colorado Review |
Patricia Traxler | "Death of a Distant In-Law" | AGNI |
William Wadsworth | "The Snake in the Garden Considers Daphne" | The Paris Review |
Kevin Walker | "My Talk with an Elegant Man" | The Bridge |
Rosanne Wasserman | "Putting in a Word" | Boulevard |
Bruce Weigl | "The One" | American Poetry Review |
Joshua Weiner | "Who They Were" | The Threepenny Review |
Henry Weinfield | "Song for the In-Itselfand For-Itself" | Poetry New York |
Michael White | "Camille Monet sur son lit de mort" | The New Republic |
Richard Wilbur | "A Digression" | The New Yorker |
Dean Young | "Upon Hearing of My Friend's Marriage Breaking Up" |
The Threepenny Review |
See also[]
External links[]
- The Best American Poetry 1994 Web page.
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