Penny's poetry pages Wiki
New Poetry

The New Poetry: An anthology was a poetry anthology published in 1917 by Macmillan in the United States.


The book was edited by Harriet Monroe (editor of Poetry magazine) and Alice Corbin Henderson. It contains 428 poems by 101 authors.[1]

A second edition, under the title The New Poetry: An anthology of twentieth-century verse in English, was published by Macmillan in 1930.[2]

Poets in the 1917 edition[]

  1. Conrad Aiken
  2. Zoë Akins
  3. Richard Aldington
  4. Mary Aldis
  5. Walter Conrad Arensburg
  6. Wilton Agnew Barrett
  7. Joseph Warren Beach
  8. William Rose Benét
  9. Maxwell Bodenheim
  10. Gordon Bottomley
  11. Rollo Britten
  12. Rupert Brooke
  13. Witter Bynner
  14. Joseph Campbell
  15. Nancy Campbell
  16. Skipwith Cannell
  17. Willa Sibert Cather
  18. Padraic Colum
  19. Grace Hazard Conkling
  20. Alice Corbin
  21. Adelaide Crapsey
  22. H.D.
  23. Mary Carolyn Davies
  24. Fannie Stearns Davis
  25. Walter de la Mare
  26. Lee Wilson Dodd
  27. John Drinkwater
  28. Louise Driscoll
  29. Dorothy Dudley
  30. Helen Dudley
  31. Max Eastman
  32. T.S. Eliot
  33. Arthur Davison Ficke
  34. John Gould Fletcher

  1. F.S. Flint
  2. Moireen Fox
  3. Florence Kiper Frank
  4. Robert Frost
  5. Hamlin Garland
  6. Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
  7. Richard Butler Glaenzer
  8. Douglas Goldring
  9. Hermann Hagedorn
  10. Thomas Hardy
  11. Ralph Hodgson
  12. Horace Holley
  13. Helen Hoyt
  14. Ford Madox Hueffer
  15. Scharmel Iris
  16. Orrick Johns
  17. Joyce Kilmer
  18. Alfred Kreymborg
  19. William Laird
  20. D.H. Lawrence
  21. Agnes Lee
  22. William Ellery Leonard
  23. Vachel Lindsay
  24. Amy Lowell
  25. Percy Mackaye
  26. Frederic Manning
  27. John Masefield
  28. Edgar Lee Masters
  29. Alice Meynell
  30. Max Michelson
  31. Edna St. Vincent Millay
  32. Harold Monro
  33. Harriet Monroe
  34. John G. Neihardt

  1. Yone Noguchi
  2. Grace Fallow Norton
  3. James Oppenheim
  4. Patrick Orr
  5. Seumas O'Sullivan
  6. Josephine Preston Peabody
  7. Ezra Pound
  8. John Reed
  9. Ernest Rhys
  10. Edwin Arlington Robinson
  11. Carl Sandburg
  12. Clara Shanafelt
  13. Frances Shaw
  14. Constance Lindsay Skinner
  15. James Stephens
  16. George Sterling
  17. Wallace Stevens
  18. Ajan Syrian
  19. Rabindranath Tagore
  20. Sara Teasdale
  21. Eunice Tietjens
  22. Ridgely Torrence
  23. Charles Hanson Towne
  24. Louis Untermeyer
  25. Allen Upward
  26. John Hall Wheelock
  27. Hervey White
  28. Margaret Widdemer
  29. Florence Wilkinson
  30. Marguerite Wilkinson
  31. Charles Erskine Scott Wood
  32. Edith Wyatt

See also[]


  1. The New Poetry: An Anthology,, Web, July 13, 2012.
  2. The New Poetry An Anthology Of Twentieth Century Verse In English (1930). Internet Archive, Web, July 13, 2012.

External links[]

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